Finding Our Inner Strength

What do we really want?


Hola Fierce Feminina,

I know many people have been in a funk lately. The holiday season felt different, and the string lights just weren't as bright as they typically are. Now that the presents are all unwrapped and the business of Christmas is over. We are in full swing of New Year’s Resolutions or Your Word of The Year! In case you missed my resolution hack for 2024. Check out Whats Your Word for 2024? 

On that note, Happy New Year! It’s time to find our inner strength.

I have had to make a lot of difficult decisions lately, none of which I really wanted to make. However, I realize all of these were absolutely necessary for my personal transformation. The thing is you never know it's the right decision until after you've made it. What’s the old adage hindsight is 20/20.

Being one of those people experiencing a funk, my childhood best friend, Jamie, encouraged me to read the book 10x is Easier than 2x How World Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. I am about halfway through the book but what I have read and learned has already turned my worldview upside down. It is a Must-Read!

It is absolutely challenging my paradigm of what I want, who I am, and what Fierce Feminina will look like in the future. The major takeaways that have rocked my world are determining what We Want instead of what We Need and having an Audacious Goal so big that only 20% of what we are currently doing will get us there.

So, what does this have to do with inner strength, everything?

If you have been following this inspirational newsletter/blog, then you know I have been living my entire life in a place of only taking what I could get and asking for only what I need. Although I know it is a very scarcity mindset, breaking free from it isn't as easy as one would think. Read my article, What Stage of Change are You In?.

Honestly, I believe I have been a little embarrassed to say what I actually want. It takes inner strength to tell people who we are and what we want for fear of ourselves and others. Because if we say what we want, we will have to do something with it and, if not, deny our truth.

My husband and I recently met with our new financial advisor. In our initial meeting, he asked me,  “What’s your 30-second elevator pitch for your business.” I went on this 4-minute diatribe on how I wanted to inspire people with absolutely no clarity. The advisor said, “You should probably work on that.”

Taken aback by his honesty, I stared at my husband and said, “Should I tell him?” I was almost scared, like I was keeping this dark secret. I hesitantly said with pressured speech, “ I want to be Mexican Oprah.” The advisor looked at me and said, “Oh, that paints a picture all in itself.”

He got it. My stomach on the other hand completely did a summersault because I actually told someone what I wanted. It’s my audacious goal. Now, I’m sharing my audacious goal with you.

Is there a goal out there that you want that is so big and audacious thinking of it almost puts you in panic mode?

If so, then that’s your goal. Congratulations, we’ve found what you want. The second thing is getting rid of the 80% of what we are doing right now and focusing on the 20% that will get us to our audacious goal. Sullivan and Hardy argue there are only a few things that will get us to our audacious goal. Gaining this level of clarity allows us to see a clearer path to transformative work.

The hard part is being willing to let go of the 80%. Which will be incredibly difficult if we find our identity within our work. For me, it was I have always been a non-profit professional. I have had to uncouple that identity with who I am as a person. The person who wants to help people can do it in more than one context. Creating the evolution of me.

Likewise, are we doing things because other people expect us to or identify us with the thing we do. Remember we are more than what we do. This is where finding our inner strength to push against what is expected of us is so important.

The whole month of January we will be focusing on inner strength. Sharing stories about a Fierce Female semi-professional weightlifter, a Fierce Woman stairclimbing to raise awareness for Human Trafficking, and introducing a new Fierce Blogger, all the while intertwining it with inspiration and insight.

Hola 2024, You are about to be the best year yet.

What’s a Fierce Feminina? She is a Heartfelt, Creative, Intense, Powerful, Driven to Serve, World Changer.

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