What's Your Word For 2024?


Hola Fierce Feminina,

I love words! I love to read them. I love to say them. I just ❤️ them.

I’m a word person. To reiterate my intense love for worlds I was once voted most talkative by my high school senior class. Things have not changed.

I surround myself with words from my bathroom mirror to signs in my kitchen to Post-its on my car dashboard. Words are everywhere. They are reminders to “live, laugh, love” Okay. Not those specific words but you get the point.

Every year I pick a word and I use it everywhere. So, why a word and not a New Year’s resolution? Because I couldn’t keep them. My New Year’s resolutions would start with I’m going to lose 25 lbs.

By week two my resolution would change to I’m going to start eating healthy. Then it moved to I will eat 2 vegetables a week. You see where we're going by March. No resolution, disappointment, and a large pepperoni pizza. 

This is how many people end their New Year’s resolution. As a matter of fact, 42% of New Year’s resolutions are broken by the end of January. I’ve written on change in the past and the same principles apply. Change requires time, desire, and readiness. No magic day like January 1st will create lasting change.

Like Tony Robbins says, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” And I don’t want to set myself up for failure again.

I first got the idea to pick a word for the year instead of a New Year’s resolution from my Aunt Hope. She had told me that using a word helped to keep her focused and gave her resilience.

I thought I could get behind that! For the past few years, I have used a word instead of a resolution. However, be careful when picking a word because it does have magic not really but you’ll see.

What does that mean? Last year, I used the word Brave. I had to learn how to be BRAVE last year. Every time, I came up against something difficult or scary I reminded myself to be BRAVE. The word of the year helps to create resilience; it's that word that creates focus, purpose, strength, hope, and clarity.

This year in 2024, I want to SHINE. I am ready to move past having to be BRAVE all the time and I want to just SHINE and be me. What about you? What or who are you ready to be this 2024?

Sit with yourself, pray, or meditate.

Let the word come to you.

Here are some inspirational words for 2024:

Abundance Acceptance Brave Boldness Compassion Create Discipline Dream-Big Empathy Focus Fun Growth Healing Hope Joy Listen Love Mindfulness Passion Pause Reduce Relax Seek Self-Care Smile Thrive Today Trust Unity Vulnerability Wisdom Wonder Worth

Did any of those words resonate with you? If not, pick a word and take it with you into 2024!

Thank you all for your love and support in 2023! We created a 3 question survey to hear what inspires you. Please take a minute and complete our survey! 😘

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