Year Zero: Embracing Growth and Patience

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola, Fierce Friend, 

Have you ever heard of the concept of a "Year Zero"?

I hadn't until recently. So what is it? Let’s break it down. Start by thinking about your birthday, the first year you spend on this planet is actually our Year Zero.

Then, on our next birthday, we officially turn one. So much growth happens in that first year: from lying in a crib to scooting around to eventually taking those first wobbly steps. The world is new and filled with wonder because, after all, we're just babies.

No one looks at a baby who’s learning to walk and says, “She’ll never walk. Did you see how she fell right after she stood up?” We know that falling is part of learning to walk. It’s expected.

But how often do we tell ourselves that we should give up on our ideas after a failure? Or are our dreams too big if we don’t nail them perfectly in the first year? In those moments, we’re like someone claiming that a baby will never walk just because she first stumbled.

Since August 2023, I’ve learned a lot about falling. But I’ve also learned a lot about getting back up—and walking.

Learning to walk isn’t easy, nor is nurturing a big dream or starting a business. You have to care for that dream, like a newborn baby—nurture it, protect it, and give it time to grow. Eventually, you take it out into the world and say, “Here’s my baby!” Tada!

That’s exactly what I did on August 22, 2023, when I created Fierce Feminina.

At the time, it was just a creative outlet—a space to share my thoughts, mental health insights, and stories about inspiring women leaders. It didn’t have a clear format or identity yet. I just knew I wanted to create.

As time passed, life took a few unexpected turns. I left the nonprofit I co-founded and dove full-time into being a trauma therapist. I wanted my baby—Fierce Feminina—to take off running, but she was still crawling. And I learned that that was okay!

Over the past year, I’ve had at least 10 different ideas for what Fierce Feminina could be, how it could help women and the impact it could make. What I was certain about was that I didn’t want to focus solely on trauma anymore. I wanted to talk about growth, confidence, and mental strength.

While recently talking with a friend, I found myself frustrated because I hadn’t made as much progress as I’d hoped. I was disappointed that my “baby” still wasn’t walking! Then my friend said something that stopped me in my tracks:

“Marcie, last year was your

Year Zero!”

And she was right. Last year was a transition year. It was full of difficult decisions, tremendous achievements, moments of sadness, and incredible breakthroughs. It wasn’t perfect, but it was exactly what it needed to be.

That’s life—full of ups and downs mixed together to create something beautiful. Yet there I was, criticizing my baby, Fierce Feminina, for not walking fast enough.

Is there an area in your own life—a dream, a project, or even a personal goal—where you’re telling yourself that your progress isn’t good enough? Growth isn’t linear. Healing isn’t linear. Even nature doesn’t create in straight lines. Sometimes, it’s okay to be in Year Zero.

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