Start Your Journey Today

It only takes one step forward


Hola Fierce Feminina,

As 2023 comes to a close, many of us are actively planning for next year. You may have purchased your new 2024 calendar and opened up your new planner for the year. The prospect of starting this new year fresh feels invigorating.

However, what if you feel stuck and 2023 is very much in your front-view mirror? If that’s the case for you then planning for 2024 can feel really difficult. This year has been filled with so many good things, but not without challenges and loss too. More on loss next week.

When you’re feeling stuck or you’re feeling challenged by the holiday season remember to check in with yourself and see what you need. Often when I feel this way I find that I go to my journal and write. It helps me to clear my mind of the endless chatter.

In those times, I write to God or ask questions to myself and wait in the stillness for answers. So much of why I write is to get clarity for myself.

I know for many of us it has been a difficult season as well. I want to share with you something I wrote a few weeks ago in my journal. If you are unsure of what to do or how to move forward right now. Do the following:


Take a breath.

Wait and Listen…

Take A Step Forward

Take a step forward. There is no reason to be afraid. I’m here with you. One step that’s all it takes. I’m here. I’ll hold your hand and I’ll direct you. Just take the first step there is no need to be afraid. I am here.

Quite looking to the outside to give you direction. Close your eyes and listen. Listen to me, listen to my voice. I know what you need and where you are going. This is not a coincidence. Nothing has happened by chance.

I have brought you here so you can see yourself in the mirror. Now look. Look at yourself. Don’t look away. You avoid yourself for what you might see, but what I see is beauty and grace. Release yourself from the fear and the outcome. I have you. Your next steps are set.

It is your old self that is holding you back from your future. Let her go too! She has taught you valuable things but she can not go where we are going, leave her behind. Thank her for what she has done for you. She is no longer able to come.

Everything must change for the next shift. People will come along your path to make the transition easy for you. Listen for them, listen to them. They are here and some are coming.

Quit holding yourself back!


Your next steps are already set. Do you believe it? It’s all about trust, the trust in yourself to make the right choice, and the trust in God to lead you. There are only a few more weeks left in 2023.

You can start again!

So, start your journey today and take a step forward. 👠

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