Shadows of Strength (SOS) with Brandi Mitchell


Hola, Fierce Feminina,

One of my favorite parts of writing these articles is being able to introduce the Fierce Women I know to you, the reader. There are many fantastic and amazing women running non-profits across the country. It’s their passion for people and their desire to make a difference in this world that always inspires me. 

Brandi Mitchell is a Fierce Friend who exudes strength from her very being. Brandi has been active in investigations for over 14 years and translated her work into helping human trafficking survivors into her non-profit organization Shadows of Strength. 

Just in case you didn’t know, January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Please check out Brandi’s website and help support anti-human trafficking efforts in your area, Shadows of Strength.

Shadows of Strength (SOS) with Brandi Mitchell

While learning about Brandi’s story and her “why” I asked the obvious question, “ why did you start Shadows of Strength.” Brandi’s replied was that “I want to give Victims and Survivors a voice and provide a safe space for them to share information regarding their case.”

As with most people who work in anti-trafficking efforts, they all have some type of personal story of sexual abuse or human trafficking. Either it was a family member, a close friend, or someone they barely knew. Brandi is not only a Survivor of childhood sexual abuse, rape, and other in-betweens;  she is a Wife, a Mother, an Investigator, and importantly a Warrior!

Having witnessed physical, emotional, and verbal abuse starting at a young age, then enduring childhood sexual abuse, low economic family status, attempted kidnapping and rape Brandi had lived through the perfect storm that could have led to her falling into the hands of a human trafficker.  But her Mother’s courage and determination to rise above blessed Brandi with the love and support most young victims do not receive.

Through Brandi’s traumatic experiences, no one ever stopped to ask her what happened, no one ever gave her a voice. She was left feeling suicidal and unheard during those times of vulnerability. But Brandi knew had it not been for the love and support of her mother she too would have fallen into the human trafficker's trap. 

At age 19, just one year after being raped Brandi endured the last time she would fight off a sexual assault attack against her! Her then boyfriend and his brother attempted to rape her, while she feared for her life Brandi fought with all she had in her and won. While escaping the attack her car spun out of control, finally coming to a stop Brandi emotional broke but found her inner strength and prayed: “God, if you will help me, I don’t know how or when, but I will make a difference in this world!”

7 years later, while living in Germany, a college professor sat Brandi down and ask: “What happened to you?” This professor took special interest in Brandi’s chosen research topic of how sex is used in war, media, rape, and human trafficking.

This became the very 1st time Brandi ever fully told anyone her story. Attentively listening to her story their conversation continued by identifying Brandi’s strengths which was then asked if she ever heard of National Security and would she consider it as a career path.

This discussion of a career in national security plus the professor’s words and remembering the promise she made to God in her car 7 years ago ignited the spark of passion to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

6 months later, Brandi became a Special Agent conducting Federal Background Investigations for a Federal Agency for 8 years, followed by 6 years as an investigator retained by DCSA. Before Brandi realized this was still not enough, she was missing the “how” and “when” she had promised.

What Brandi did know was she had a growing frustration with her childhood cries for help falling on deaf ears, people only focusing on the amount of alcohol she had consumed not the fact she had been validated and being questioned why no one could physically see her scars of abuse as they were internal and much worse than external marks that fade over the years.

Brandi, also knew, she wanted to create a SAFE place with nonjudgement ears and minds for Survivors to openly tell their story. So, with her personal experience and professional wisdom Brandi created the 501c(3), Shadows of Strength.

Shadows of Strength gives Survivors a safe person to hear their story, believe their story and look into the event(s) when they are not ready to talk to law enforcement. Along with a hand to told and feet to walk beside them when they are ready to tell their story to law enforcement.

Brandi now works with an amazing team of professionals who are experts in intelligence gathering and law enforcement operations. Several of Shadows of Strength’s team members have their own personal stories which combined with their professional background drive their sense of service passion.

Shadows of Strength is an intelligence gathering organization and emergency protection team only.

Once the information is collected and identified, they speak with the Survivors, once the Survivor is ready to proceed the information is passed along to law enforcement. The goal is to provide a bridge between Survivors and law enforcement so the Survivors can be heard.

I asked, “what is motivating you now?” Brandi replied, “Knowing the cases and Survivors are being heard. They are getting the courage to come forward, and seeing this transition is extremely humbling and amazing!”

Shadows of Strength believes the bridge that was created is working as it has helped, supported, and encouraged Survivors to come forward and be heard.

Brandi’s team may be small but their combined passion, courage, strength, and dedication to helping Survivors and Victims is unmeasurable. They are small for a reason, providing complete dedication to ensuring a safe place remains for open ears to listen.

Shadow of Strengths team members are huge advocates in saying, “they are not rescuers or saviors, as Survivors are their own saviors with the choices, they make but Shadows of Strength along with many likeminded organizations can help restore the Survivors back to where God intended them to be.”

Restoration starts when Survivors get the choice and chance to share what happened to them.

Everyday Brandi and Shadows of Strength is MAKING A DIFFERENCE, are you?


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