A Search for Friendship

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola Fierce Feminina,

Just in case you missed it February 13th  is the unofficial date for Galantine’s Day. What’s Galantine’s Day, you may be asking. It’s the day when you and a group of your favorite female friends get together and celebrate. Think of it as Valentine’s Day with your besties. 

As a society, we have become so isolated. Friendship and meaningful relationships are difficult to maintain with our fast-paced lives and tightly packed work schedules. Friendships are often placed on the back burner as a female leader. We are so focused on trying to get things done that we lose sight of one of the things that makes life whole, friendship. 

It's common to see the solopreneur/entrepreneur lifestyle overshadow people’s need for genuine friendship. The hustle culture reinforces the lonely leader, going and going, day and night often by themselves. 

It reminds me of this picture that hangs in my bedroom. On my wall sits a woman dressed in white with a hat. She is high above on a cliff overlooking the blue and green waves crashing against the rocks. 

I often look at the picture and see it as an analogy for being a female leader. There are times when we are above all the chaos overlooking to see a clear path forward. In those moments, we are alone. 

This is why it’s important to partner with like-minded female leaders who can encourage you to continue to walk the path less traveled. I have had some incredible female leaders come alongside me to bring Fierce Feminina to life. Each imparts the special gift of their written word, social media ideas, emotional support, and encouragement. 

When we constantly think we are alone sitting on the cliff overlooking the waves, know we don’t have to be. There are women out there just like you, searching for women just like you. 

How do we discover these women? Great Question. 

Creating meaningful and long-lasting friendships as an adult can be challenging, but absolutely possible! My mother, Grace, says, “You have to be a friend to have a friend.” I think the old adage still fits. 

Last week, I met with a woman who I am in a mutual group with. It took about two weeks to get lunch on our schedules, but we made it happen. In what seemed like the shortest 3 hours, we talked deeply about our businesses, our loved ones, and our personal journeys, even sharing moments of tears together. Giving birth to a beautiful new friendship.

We, as Fierce Friends, have to start connecting to people on a heart-to-heart level, building and nurturing deep, meaningful relationships. Our souls are crying out for those connections, and we have to make time for them. We are not designed to be doing machines! 

You are not AI. You are more like a plant. You need water, fertilizer, sunlight, nurturing, and a big pot for you to grow. Friendship is like fertilizer. You could live without it but will you be able to grow as much as you could without it? Maybe not. 

In the book, Build The Life You Want by Aruther Brooks and Oprah Winfrey, they discuss the four pillars of happiness. It’s a fantastic book and a must-read! They make the case that to obtain the allusive feeling of happiness we must have Friends. It’s a pillar of life. Need I say more. 

Now back to Galantine’s Day. 

I’m all about getting my readers to do things. So, go out and be a friend! 

We don’t have to walk the female leadership game alone. 

As a therapist, I frequently do communication training with my beloved clients. So, if it’s been a moment since you’ve reached out to a friend, here are some helpful tips:

But first, imagine I’m holding your hand as your helpful friend, now take the following steps: 

1. Pick a friend or new person you met 

2. Then call them/Text is ok 

3. Tell them you would like to get together 

4. Pick a day and time for you to meet

5. Decide on a place to go 

6. Send a text beforehand saying you can’t wait to connect

7. Prep some conversation starters (this is for the introverts)

8. Mostly Importantly…..Have Fun and Enjoy your Friend!!!


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