The Power of Lifting Heavy Weights

with Fierce Friend Tami Forero


Hola, Fierce Feminina,

As a child, my mom was notorious for making me play with children I didn't know. She would meet a new friend who had children, and I knew I would be destined to be their new playmate. Well, my mom, Grace continues to find new friends for me even into my 40s. 

This week’s Fierce Friend was introduced to me by my mother. Grace said, “I met this woman named Tami while I was on jury duty. I think you will really hit it off.” Grace was right. Tami Forero is a powerful woman both physically and mentally. She is full of business savvy and inspiration.

The 50+ female competitive powerlifter has an impactful story that I just had to share with you all. With it being Finding Your Inner Strength month, I thought there would be no better example of this than Tami. To showcase her smarts and her overall amazingness. I decided to record our call. The audio on my end isn't the best, but she is fantastic. I hope you listen to our call and read this week's article for all the inspirational goodness. 

Tami Foreror is a 50+ female competitive powerlifter from Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is an entrepreneur who owned a very successful corporate event-planning business named Forte Events. 

Tami began her powerlifting journey over ten years ago when she hired a private coach to help her learn weightlifting form. Tami said, “I enjoyed lifting heavy things…and found joy in it.” Tami tells the story of when she brought her mom to the gym to see her weightlift.

Tami’s mom said her weightlifting made sense because Tami has had to “lift a lot of heavy things” all her life. It was a really powerful moment in the interview. Tami continued to say of lifting weights, “It's a physical manifestation of something you are doing mentally.” Which is absolutely true. I often use lifting weights as an analogy to building mental health skills.  

During the pandemic of 2020, Tami was devastated when her multimillion-dollar business was lost in 1 day. She had built it over 16 years and it consisted of two offices and ten employees. Tami reminisced on that experience as “horrible.” Between the pandemic and her business's dissolution, she didn't leave her home for 2 whole years. Tami said that the experience was both physically and emotionally rough. Many of us can absolutely relate to that. 

Needing to re-engage in her life, Tami connected to a functional medicine doctor who began actively healing her thyroid condition. With her body on the mend, Tami felt like she now had to do something physical. Although she had little money, Tami found a big box gym and began her journey and love of powerlifting again. 

For several months, Tami slowly worked on gaining her mobility. Her first big workout goal was to carry her groceries from her car into the house. Once Tami hit that goal, she was on to the next, lifting more weights. While working with a new trainer, Tami accidentally let slip that she wanted to compete as a powerlifter. Tami said she wasn't sure why it came out of her mouth, but it had. Isn't that how it typically happens! The desires of our hearts come pouring out, telling us to do something about it. 

Tami looked into what it took to compete and began training for her first competition in April 2023. She found out that as long as you can lift the bar, you can compete. She signed up for it, committed to it, and competed all within in 5 months. Tami won first place in her division.  

Listen to our interview and hear a great laugh over our conversation about the required powerlifting outfit. (haha)

From there, she worked with three younger women training 2 hours a day 5 days a week. She not only competed in April 2023, but then again in August and October of 2023. Talk about an overachiever! 

About a year later, Tami now holds 3 Colorado state records in powerlifting. She is deadlifting and squatting approximately 300 lbs. She believes it has absolutely transformed her body and mind. Tami has been embraced by the powerlifting community and sees them as her inspiration to continue to compete at any age. 

Tami is breaking the stereotypes for women who lift weights, especially for those over the age of 50. Tami believes you can start powerlifting at any age. Tami said, “Don’t listen to anyone about your physical limitations!" stated Tami. Lifting weights has changed Tami's life and her thought patterns. She is setting records and encouraging other women to do the same. 

Tami says, "You don't have to pre-qualify to qualify... but you do have to start somewhere."

You heard her! Is there a goal or something you have been wanting to do? Stop waiting and start doing. 

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