It’s about the Journey: Navigating Through Your Mental Roadblocks

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola Fierce Friend,

The day we decided to leave for our camping trip to the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, the wind was fierce! The weather report predicted multiple days of strong wind with gusts of up to 50 miles per hour.

Our car was loaded down with all the necessities needed for the trip, but camping on the side of a cliff in high winds with campfire restrictions just seemed downright silly.

Thus, we had met a roadblock.

So, what do we do next? Together, the family and I decided to head South toward New Mexico and see where we could go to escape the storms. We drove through the High Desert to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and discovered this beautiful crystal clear lake nestled around the mountains called Eagles Nest.

The surrounding area was breathtaking, like uncharted territory awaiting to be discovered by us.

A winding narrow river cleared a path for us in the mountains, showing the way to our next destination. The rock cliffs stood tall and jagged as their immense strength overshadowed our car.

We knew we had to stop our car at an inlet to admire the view and touch the ground that was calling to us. The dynamic colors of ruby red, burnt orange, and golden yellow danced across the skies. New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment, was mesmerizing us.

Our roadblock had now become a delightful journey filled with new insights, new experiences, and pure wonder.

As female leaders, how many times have we been prepared with our checklists, workflow plans, and strategies for the next destination in our career or project and realized the conditions werent quite rightand in some cases, completely wrong?

We may have tried to rework the plan or fit our square beg into that round hole only to feel more frustrated by the lack of movement and progression in our lives. Those frustrations are nudges disguised as roadblocks, telling you that you may be going in the wrong direction or that something more dramatic is on its way.

What if, on our camping adventure, we had decided to fight against the wind? What if we said, It may be gusty, and we wont be able to make a fire, but we could use our camp stove instead.

It would be a solution to our roadblock, right?

But what if pushing against and overcoming the conditions of the weather had become a journey of endurance and perseverance instead of a journey of awe and wonder?

Is there something in your life or career that you are trying to push against or overcome. What if you stopped fighting, stopped pushing against the opposing force, and tried a new direction.

I often tell my female leader clients to tune in.

“Meaning that one must stop and listen to oneself. Ask yourself questions and patiently wait and listen for the answers.”

We live in a society where we have lost the ability to truly listen and use all our senses. Unfortunately, it is far too common for us not to be fully present even in our daily lives.

We were given five sensesthe ability of taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. Use them! It grounds us to ourselves and to the world around us.

Tuning in requires us to take a moment, take a step back, find internal peace, and ask whats next.

Remember that our roadblocks may truly be the opportunity to take a completely new direction, sometimes leading us to the Land of Enchantment.

Which way is it leading you?

Stay Fierce,

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