HerStory Unfolds: Embracing Women's History Month

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola Fierce Feminina,

I have always imagined myself standing side by side, walking arm in arm down crowded streets in solidarity with other women during the Women’s Suffrage Movement (the women’s right to vote movement leading to the 19th Amendment).

Internally, I believe I have always had the heart of an activist. I know that means so many different things now, but for me, it was seeing injustice in this world and doing something about it.

In many ways it’s a form of compassion, alleviating someone else’s suffering. Check out the article on Self-Compassion for more context.

At a young age, I enjoyed a good cause and a reason to fight for something I believed in. So much so that I obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science. Life has shifted for me over the years, but the desire to see unjust things made right is still present.

In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month. I am reminded that it isn’t the well-behaved girls who typically make history. It’s the ones who act courageously, stand up, and fight for a good cause. 

I found this quote by Clara Barton the Founder of the American Red Cross, “It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind.” There are many things going on in our country that “cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind.”

For those who don’t know my day job, I work at a rape crisis center and pray and hope for a world without sexual violence. But, I know it takes people like me to combat the atrocities of these realities on a daily basis. 

My work with women really begins after a figurative bomb has gone off in their lives. I’m there mostly as a witness to their suffering and as a support to help pick up the pieces. Nevertheless, bombs of sexual violence continue to go off every minute of every day as women and girls become casualties of this war.

Ending sexual violence is my battleground and my version of the suffrage movement. “I defy” the notion that sexual violence will always be present in our society.

What do you “defy?” What cause keeps you up at night?

History is made by those who are willing to break records, make big social and societal changes, and create new or improved upon outdated ideas. This is why we honor the women who have made history this month.

Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the suffrage movement, said:

"Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world will say, whether you are in your place or out of your place; think your best thoughts, speak your best words, do your best works.”

That statement hits me to my core.

Just like the women who locked arm in arm walking in solidarity to have the vote for women, we as leaders can make a significant impact in the lives of other women.

History is forged by leaving the “conventionalisms” of our lives and beginning to see our world in new ways. Your leadership in your sphere of influence is pivotal in making change in the lives of women.

So go out there and lead!

Make History this Month and honor the women who have gone before you and led the charge for other women.

Thank you, Susan B. Anthony and Clara Barton!

Your dedication to your work and support of other women makes my work possible.


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