Finding "Her Strength"

with Fierce Friend Stefanie Hunt


Hola, Fierce Feminina,

Not many are called to the profession of Social Work. It is an absolutely rewarding career path, painfully difficult. This week’s Fierce Friend is Stefanie Hunt, Social Worker turned Personal Trainer.

I met her at a women’s networking event. Stefanie’s story of turning her desire to help other’s mental health and transferring her knowledge to the gym is beyond inspiring.

I hope you enjoy her story through her words. May they resonate with you like they did me as she found her strength.

You just have to find your “inner strength,” a phrase each one of us has probably heard a hundred times. Most likely, for the first time during early childhood by one of our parents, then during our teenage years while going through our first heartbreak, and many, many times after during adulthood.

I always wondered, “How exactly do I find my inner strength?” And what would change if I finally found it! Over the last few years, I realized that we women are so worried about being strong during difficult or uncertain times that we completely overlook the fact that we are constantly using our “inner strength!”

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that utilizing our “inner strength” is a woman’s most underrated superpower. Why would I say underrated? Because it gives us super strength to fulfill our duties with finesse, even though our society believes that our responsibilities should come easily. 

Women create and give life yet are expected to “bounce” back quickly to return to the workforce, all while remaining the independent person they worked so hard to become. Along with juggling careers and finding fulfillment in a job, all while raising children at the same time.

Thus, struggling to find balance and deal with the daily guilt at the end of the day compounds the ever-removing question of “Did I do enough?” The guilt of choosing whether to spend quality time with our children or work extra shifts to pay the bills. Or making the difficult decision of whether to become a parent at all!

Be a supportive partner or friend while trying to find time to be active in the community. Let’s not forget about unfortunate life events that we all must face, and as women, we become pillars to lean on for comfort and nurturing because we are innately wired to do so. All of us, whether we recognize it or not, utilize our “inner strength.”

Becoming aware of this left me feeling like I had no control or was not “strong enough” to make changes in my own life that I knew were necessary. As I pondered these questions, it occurred to me that I spend most of my strength on others, placing their needs above my own. I dutifully dedicated my entire focus to maintaining everybody else's happiness and goals.

I don’t believe there is a limited amount of strength we possess or have to give; after all, we are Superheros!

Having said that, I know that we cannot fill somebody else's cup if ours is running on empty.

This led me to take action and promise to use my superpower for my own good as well. I stopped looking for my inner strength and instead harnessed it to make significant & difficult decisions and dedicated time to figuring out what would enhance my happiness in life without feeling guilty for taking some time for myself.

It took strength to be honest with myself and acknowledge that the reason I felt stuck was not anybody else’s doing but my own. I used my inner strength to let go of the notion that it was selfish to invest time in myself and was very fortunate to receive support from other “Fierce Femininas” who were rooting for me at all times. The same ones who were kind enough to share their own strength with me when I was too exhausted to use my own.

This is how “Her Strength” came about. I followed my dream to break free and work for myself as a personal trainer and health coach, helping other women reach their full potential and becoming their biggest fan on their journey to creating a healthier & physically stronger version of themselves.

I want to help women realize that physical health is equally important as mental health, and both of those go hand in hand.

We have to nurture our bodies and minds in order to find equilibrium in our world, allowing us to continue utilizing our inner strength to enhance both our lives and the lives of others.

Stefanie Hunt 

Ready to Start Your Journey, contact Stefanie at

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