Feeling Thankful? 🙏🏽

There are lots of things to feel greatful for!


Hola Fierce Feminina,

This is the time of year that we slow down, reflect on our lives, and give thanks for all our blessings. We are grateful for all the good things like the smells of pumpkin spice coffee and winter green candles. Awe. It’s the holiday season.

I’ve had an amazing year. But, I didn’t realize it until I began writing down all my successes. Why was I writing down success during a time of being thankful? I know it sounds weird however stay with me.

The first success I wrote down for myself was, “I gave myself permission to live.” Obviously, I’m living, right? It was more than that. I allowed myself to do the things that I would never do.

For example, take time off of work to fill my cup by going to women’s empowerment conferences or flying to New Mexico to see my grandmother for her birthday. Those were the types of things I would never do because I felt like I couldn’t take the time off of work or I thought I couldn’t afford it.

I have always felt obligated to others and to be hyper-fiscally responsible. However, this year in 2023, I stopped focusing on external pressures and pointed my sights on myself. Strange, I know. I reoriented myself to myself.

Remember in Pirates of the Caribbean there was this magical compass that Captin Jack Sparrow carried around which points to what you desire most. This year the compas started pointing towards me.

It has not been an easy transition. I know there are many of you who are choosing you for the first time. In life, we are told to point our compass to the outside world, to riches, to family, and to success. Who determines those things for us, anyway? Are we being pointed towards the wrong things and not choosing the desires of our own hearts?

I believe those desires are placed in us for a reason. It is the outside world that derails us from our God-given purpose. It’s only when we refocus and enter into a state of gratefulness that are we able to see the path.


Whatever it is your heart desires, please go for it, it’s yours to have.

Gloria Estefan

When looking at my list of top successes for 2023, I began to see a pattern. I saw the freedom I gave myself. The freedom to no longer let fear hold me back from embracing the dreams in my heart. There were a ton of new things I had tried and new adventures I had had.

Writing my successes down helped me to see this year in a new light. It helped me to be thankful and feel gratitude. These are the most important things to embrace this season. 

So, before you make your turkey or cook your grandma’s recipe for raspberry yams take some time for yourself. Sit down get out your journal and write down your successes. I know it’s a little different approach than just writing down what you are thankful for.

Believe me, when you reflect on those successes you are able to have tangible things to be thankful for. Those feelings of thankfulness lead to gratefulness and gratefulness leads to a more clear path of who you truly are.

Thank you 🙏🏽 for coming on this journey with me. I hope each week there is something that inspires you to be better and to connect to yourself. 

I am đź’–grateful for each and every one of you!

Learning to Be Checklist

đź—¸ Success can be many different things.

🗸 Where is your 🧭compass pointed?

đź—¸ Thankfulness leads to gratefulness.

🗸 Remember to ❤️ you and your journey.

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