Feel Inspired for your day with these tips...


Hola, Fierce Feminina,

My journey of learning to Be’ and creating Fierce Feminina really began last October at a conference named Vere. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into, but it changed my life!

It was the catalyst that reminded me of who I truly was. I had forgotten. I was so caught up in doing. I had forgotten what made me, me.

The vivacious sparkling host I came to know and ❤️ at Verve would evently become my coach. Suzzane Castle was my biggest cheerleader and my biggest challenger. She made me be open to new possibilities and helped me to see that I had still so much more to share with the world.

Here is one of my favorite people ever bringing you some inspiration in her uniquely sparkly way. ✨ 

Feel Inspired for your day with these tips with Suzanne Castle

Wow is there ever a malaise mess going on.

“But I’m waiting to be inspired and motivated and know all the things before I take action.” Maybe you’ve uttered something similar, Fierce Feminina. It’s an easy place to stay stuck—waiting for the epiphany, the light bulb, the path to emerge before you, the right team, the magic timing.

I don’t agree with any of that. Let’s just debunk that once and for all, shall we?

Inspiration comes from taking action, not the other way around!

In fact, if you want to feel inspired, then there are 12 avenues… and how lovely that each one aligns with the phrase FEEL INSPIRED.

F: Free Up Your Energy—today can you let go of something that drains you? When you do you will free up creative energy to get about your goal getting!

E: Extend Your Social Circle—often we are in an echo chamber, so consider reaching out to someone new who interests you or get your bootie to networking and create connections!

E: Encourage & Thank Others— when stuck helping someone else feel appreciated goes a long way, for you and for them—don’t hide your enthusiasm!

L: Laugh & Sleep Well— ask yourself if you are sleeping enough to be inspired or maybe you need a good laugh with a show or night out with friends. It’s amazing what will happen to your brain!

I: Incite Rebellion— what is driving you batty? Where can you activate some energy for truth? Write a letter, volunteer, organize a committee for your cause!

N: Nurture Yourself— make sure you are treating yourself luxuriously; so is that a trip to a spa? Fancy chocolate? Walking in nature?

S: Solitude— we are always on, so finding time alone to connect with your deepest self can lead to great breakthroughs!

P: Possibility-ize— I’m always asking my clients to put on their possibility goggles, which means you are focusing on what is possible, not probable or perfect! What COULD be right now for you?

I: Imagine Your Ideal Life— yearly do you take time to reflect and get clarity on your ideal life? What does that look like? What could you do today to get started towards it?

R: Read— filling your big, beautiful brain with new authors allows you to stay connected to curiosity!

E: Enrich Your Life with a Brand New Experience— if you want to look at something differently you must create a new neural pathway. What new exercise, destination, hobby can you start?

D: Do Something that Scares You— I find that a lot of de-motivation happens because we are comfy; get out of your comfort zone!

Today, start. Not perfectly. Choose a letter and activate action and I’m sure that inspiration will soon follow!

Dr. Suzanne Castle

Chief Sparkler

The Sparkle Factor™

Suzanne Castle Consulting

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