Empowering Survivor Leaders: A Conversation with Alicia Tappan

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola Fierce Friends, 

You guys know just how much I love to tell you about all the amazing people I have had the pleasure of knowing!!!Along with all the selfless nonprofit leaders who inspire me to continue helping others. 

I first met this week's Fierce Friend, Alicia Tappan, while she was sharing her incredibly impactful story at a womens event. At that very moment, I just knew we had to work together to support the efforts of anti-trafficking in our community. 

Since then, Alicia and I have supported each other through the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies nonprofit leadership. Here is just a snippet of her magnificent work and all the things she does to help and support survivors through the lens of a survivor-leader. 

In a candid and inspiring conversation with Alicia Tappan, founder of Survivor Led Solutions, we delved into her journey, her mission, and the empowering work she's doing to support survivor-leaders in the anti-human trafficking field. Alicia's story is not just one of survival but also resilience, transformation, and the power of community.

Alicia's journey began with a vision she had as a teenager, dreaming of working with women facing challenges like depression. However, her life took an unexpected turn when she became a victim of trafficking, thus highlighting the often-hidden realities of power dynamics and exploitation in our communities. As now a Survivor, reflecting on her experiences, Alicia shared, "I realized that if I wanted to heal, I needed to start doing the therapy. If I wanted to work in this field, I needed to really dig in and go; what happened to me?!"

This introspection led Alicia to establish Survivor-Led Solutions, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing long-term support and development opportunities for survivor-leaders.

Alicia explained, "It's the long-term fight that needs to be supported. We do professional and leadership development, and then we do what we call survivor-led retreats."

The core of Alicia's approach lies in creating safe spaces for survivors to grow, heal, and thrive. She emphasized, "Healing grows in safe places, but fun places," highlighting the importance of integrating trauma-informed therapies with recreational activities to foster holistic healing.

Alicia's journey hasn't been without its challenges. From battling addiction to navigating personal trauma, she faced numerous obstacles. Yet, through it all, she emerged as a resilient leader driven by a deep sense of purpose.

Survivor Led Solutions is more than just an organization; it's a movement. It's about empowering survivor-leaders to reclaim their voices, identities, and agency. Alicia's work extends beyond mere awareness; it's about creating tangible interventions and fostering a supportive community. As she aptly put it, "We're not just increasing awareness, but intervention opportunities."

One key aspect of Alicia's work is reframing survivor narratives. She challenges the savior complex often associated with victim support and emphasizes the importance of treating survivors as equals. "They're entrepreneurs. They're not afraid of hard work. We rewire that trauma into a healthy leadership space," she explained.

In our conversation, Alicia also shared practical advice for self-care, a topic often overlooked in the realm of activism and leadership. She coined an acronym, "R.E.S.T.," emphasizing the importance of rest, eating, sleep, and time in nature as essential practices for maintaining well-being.

As our conversation came to a close, Alicia left us with a powerful reminder: "We heal when we rest, we're our best when we eat, and we can really soak it in, then process this thing and be able to do it in a healthy, articulate way."

In conclusion, Alicia Tappans journey from victim to survivor-leader is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Through Survivor Led Solutions, she is not only changing lives but also changing narratives and paradigms in the anti-human trafficking field. Her story reminds us that true empowerment comes from within and that supporting survivor-leaders is not just a moral imperative but a transformative act that paves the way for a brighter future.



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