Embrace YOUR Fierce Confidence

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola, Fierce Friends!

Its Junecan you believe it? 2024 has passed us by so quickly. It truly has been a crazy year full of dramatic twists and turns. 

It was this month in 2023 when I slammed my hands down and said I needed a break. As a female leader, I had burnt the proverbial candle on both ends, and I had had enough of everyone and everything!

I was done!

I left my nonprofit job for one month and closed the door to doing anything for anyone else except for me and my family. Read more here. A New Season Of Change Article 

I took a step back and reevaluated my life, my priorities, and my God-given dreams and desires. I had a purpose, but the consistent overwhelming feeling and busyness of my life had overshadowed who I was.

Is this what female leadership really looks like?

It was during this time that I rediscovered myself. My Fierceness better yet My Fierce Feminina self 😁

Being FIERCE means showing a heartfelt, powerful intensity. 

It takes fierceness to change course in life and say, I think I want to try something else. 

We all get stuck in ruts, fall off bandwagons, and tread water. But what does it take to change your circumstances and shift? 


What does it look like to be a Fiercely Confident Female Leader? 

At its core, being fiercely confident is about believing in yourself unapologetically. Its the unshakeable conviction that you are capable, worthy, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. But lets break that down a bit more to:

Owning Your Voice

A fiercely confident woman speaks her mind and owns her opinions. Whether in a boardroom, a community meeting, or a casual conversation, she knows her voice matters. This doesnt mean she always has to be loud or outspoken; rather, that she communicates with clarity and conviction, knowing that her perspectives are valuable. 

Taking Bold Risks

Being confident in leadership often means stepping out of your comfort zone. Its about taking calculated risks and understanding that failure is just another step on the path to success. A fiercely confident woman views setbacks as learning opportunities, not as reflections of her worth or capabilities.

Setting Boundaries

Part of being fiercely confident is knowing your limits and setting boundaries to protect your energy and time. This might mean saying no to projects that dont align with your goals or taking time for self-care despite a busy schedule. Remember, you cant pour from an empty cup!

Embracing Authenticity

Authenticity is the cornerstone of being fiercely confident. Its about showing up as your true self, flaws and all, and not conforming to someone elses idea of who you should be. In your workplace, this authenticity can translate to genuine leadership and fostering a work environment where others feel safe to be themselves.

Being Fiercely Confident is a powerful force that can transform every aspect of your life and business. By embracing your true self, setting bold goals, and leading with authenticity, you can navigate challenges with grace and inspire others along the way. 

Remember, being Fiercely Confident is not about being perfect; its about believing in your journey and striving to be the best version of yourself. I know thats what I did! 

Stay fierce, friends!

With love and empowerment,

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