Find your creativity: tap into your inner artist!

Be’Fierce, Be’Inspired, Be’Heartfelt, Be’Cause

Hola Fierce Feminina, 

Do you know you're a creative being and an artist? If you're reading this, you know just how much I value creativity in my life. Creativity is an expression of making the abstract real. 

You know your inner artist; well, she’s in there! Your art isn’t just painting or photography. There’s an art inside of you that is screaming to get out. 

But how do we begin to unlock the art within ourselves? First, you simply must recognize that an artistic being lives within you! Second, you’ve got to find that one thing that speaks to your heart and that you love to do!

It’s that part of you that comes alive any and every time you talk about it. That is your inner artist dancing on the inside with excitement. It’s the place where you get inspiration; the ancients used to call it the Muse. 

My art is in the place where complete vulnerability, freedom, and unrestrained connection connect. Can you close your eyes and think of a place where this lives inside you? If you’re still struggling to get a glimpse of that artistic self, close your eyes and think of what brings you joy and excitement, what starts your feet dancing. Get out of your head and lean into your heart.

Did you find it? Good.

Now, go do the art! Simple, right? Maybe not. Your art is in a vulnerable place where you create something; you make something out of nothing, showcasing a part of yourself, your essence, and breathing it into life.

My first experience of art was with music. I needed the music. It’s what put the air in my lungs and gave me a voice. I needed it so desperately. I needed the rhythm and melodic sounds of the instruments. It was me naked and exposed before everyone, knowing that one simple mistake would make everyone know. My voice coming through these speakers made you want to listen.

But there was more to hearing my words; it indeed was about how it made you. And it was me putting my heart out there for everyone to see. It was utterly Raw and powerful. Now look, I am here. Do you see me? This was my art, and I was sharing it with the world.

What’s your gift?

Let's continue exploring the depth of your artistic journey and finding inspiration in the vulnerability and freedom that creativity brings. Creativity offers:

  • Embracing the vulnerability and freedom that comes with creating art.

  • Allow yourself to connect with your inner artist and unleash your creativity.

  • Discover the joy and excitement that ignites your passion for creating.

  • Dive into that place within you where creativity thrives, and ideas flow freely.

  • Express your essence and breathe life into your creations.

  • Find inspiration in music, rhythm, and melodic sounds that resonate with your soul.

  • Share your unique gift with the world and make your voice heard.

  • Keep exploring, experimenting, and allowing your creativity to flourish unexpectedly.

  • Remember that art reflects your true self, so embrace it with authenticity and courage.

  • Your art is a gift, a part of you that deserves to be shared and celebrated.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”

Mary Lou Cook - American Author and Chef

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