A Broken Shoe

When your night gives you A Broken Shoe.....


The music was blaring, the backyard had a few dozen people in it. Each huddled with a drink in hand and completely immersed in their conversations. A friend, an amazing photographer, and I were attempting to mingle with the other guests.

Artwork was hung on the walls and ceramics were creatively placed on a table to be sold. A troupe of women dressed in gold and black paraded around us with hula-hoops while others contorted their bodies into magnificent shapes.

It was a spectacular event. What was I doing there? I thought I was there to take in the experience and to meet other fun and creative people.

I began to notice my friend acting a little strange. “Are you ok?” I asked. “No, I’m feeling a little anxious,” she replied. “Ok. Let's go get some food,” I said. When a person is feeling anxious, changing their physical state will help them with the anxiety, plus I love food.

As soon as we finished eating, my friend looked at me and said “I’m so sorry, can you take me back to my car?” “You don't have to be sorry,” I replied, "This happens and it’s ok because I’m a therapist.” That is what a good therapist would do, right?

I continued to tell her not to feel bad about the situation and proceeded to walk to my car. All of the sudden, I noticed my foot feels a little wonky as I step. I walked a little more, stopped, and looked down at my foot and the sole had almost completely come off of the base of my shoe.

I took a few more steps, thinking I could continue with it on, but It was like it had completely disintegrated on my foot. I casually walked out of the shoe, and took the other shoe off. Now I was walking barefoot to the car.

Looking back it was kinda funny.

On the car ride, my friend mentioned she had a pair of shoes I could wear up in her studio. I had every intention of returning to the party. A broken shoe would simply not make me miss out on something like that!

My friend’s studio was adorned with all kinds of backgrounds and oddities to add to your picture-perfect photo. I wandered about and looked at all the beautiful things, taking my time to touch everything. I’m a child when it comes to things that sparkle and shine.

In a green display case, sat with regal elegance, were three starburst-shaped crowns. The kind you would see in a painting of the Madonna or Beyonce dancing on stage with all her power and fierceness. As if those weren't incredible enough to behold, my friend pulled out another gilded crown with flowers adorning the head.

My heart was jumping for joy!

I placed it on my head, pretending like I was Queen Elizabeth. I instantly sat up straight, I felt taller, I looked better, and, I felt powerful. It’s amazing what an inanimate object can do for you when it’s embedded with so much meaning.

I instantly sat up straight, I felt taller, I looked better,and I felt powerful.

Seeing how my state had changed to empowerment, my friend grabbed my phone and took a picture of me. Then I left, with a new pair of shoes that were too small, and returned to the party. I took one lap around the event and thought, “Hum, I’m done.”

On the ride home, I thought about the evening. Was I meant to go to that party? Was that the whole goal? No. A Broken Shoe was the catalyst for me going upstairs to my friend’s studio, seeing that starburst crown, placing it on my head, and feeling completely embodied in my regal self. My middle name is Rey, (King in Spanish).

How many times do we have A Broken Shoe experience and focus on the misfortune of it all? The inner turmoil we hash out in our heads. Oh, if that shoe wouldn’t have broken, if I hadn’t gotten laid off at work, or if my boyfriend hadn’t left me. Then what? Many times the Broken Shoes in our lives aren’t obstacles, they are blessings. So, embrace the blessing and walk on into your future.

A crown 👑 awaits you on the other side!

Learning to Be Checklist

🗸 Friends don’t let Friends leave alone.

🗸 Always have an extra pair of shoes in your car.

🗸 Women always look better in crowns.

🗸An obstacle can be blessing in disguise.

Like what you see? Invite your friends.

Remember to check us out on your favorite social media platform for a fun pic of me in a crown 👸🏽